Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Great 2-Fly Read From Midcurrent

Seeing Double

by Philip Monahan

Pay more attention to how you construct and fish tandem rigs, and you'll catch more trout.

Illustration by Bill Tipton www.compartmaps.com

A Tangled Subject

ALTHOUGH MULTI-FLY RIGS have been around for centuries and have always remained popular in Europe, fishing more than one pattern was nearly a forgotten science in this country until about 15 years ago. In fact, even when angling magazines flooded the market with tandem-rig stories, many anglers outside the Rockies took a long time to catch on. For instance, my older brother, Brian, has been fly fishing since the late 1970s, but he had never fished two flies until we traveled to Wyoming last summer. Troll a few Internet message boards, and you'll find that a large portion of the fly-fishing community is still discovering the effectiveness of this "modern" technique.

Read more here!

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