Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I Love This River...

A little recap:

I rolled into Alcova in the sweet rented panel van at 6:30pm last Sunday night, suited up and literally ran down the boat ramp. The place was deserted except for one truck and trailer - Blake Jackson's. He got dropped off right as I was about to get in the water - always good to see that boy and we planned to do a short drift Tuesday evening.
The flow is back up to 1600cfs and the weeds have been pushed out. The wind was screaming but the evening was warm - rain systems were coming and going, and the water is still freezing - a great sign.
I dropped in just below where the old fence was, 100 yards below put-in. Egg-annelid-small annelid. 10 or 15 drifts, nothing. Then the birds came out. A wonderful sign - there was a hatch to be matched. Switched out to a black midge below the egg and it just lit up. I fished for 2.5 hours, landed ten, probably lost 15, and had the hook straightened on me 3 times! 3! Gotta pick up some new midges to say the least. Landed one 22" slab that crushed the egg - couldn't believe it. Several other beauties like the one shot attached. Fished until I couldn't see a thing anymore, drove to the Casper Best Western and set up the line for some showings on Monday and Tuesday.

Tuesday afternoon found me in Blake's boat along with John, another Crazy Rainbow Guide and WY local. I decided to drive Blake crazy by over-mending way too much line out in front of the boat, but we got into some great fish (Colorado day-makers, as the local boys call 'em...) as we lazily rowed back through the top 5 or 6 holes before calling it an afternoon. I certainly learned a few things out there. These are fantastic guys to fish with... The joys of having "Metropolitan WY" as part of your territory, no?!?

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