Wednesday, June 18, 2008


So what does one do when the rivers are blown out? For me, go bouldering at one of the finest mountain areas in CO - the Kluttergarden above Redcliff. But there was an added bonus to this day - after a great circuit on classic problems, I wandered over to Homestake Creek with the 2-weight and a dry-dropper rig. It was flowing hard, but very fishable, and after a couple nice fish, I landed a 14" Brown, the largest fish I have put to hand on this beautiful stretch of water. And on a product side note - for those anglers out there that are also boulderers, the Patagonia Remat (Spring '09) is great for not only changing out of your waders but also as a starting mat for boulder problems - It allows you to position your crashpad where you need it and keeps your shoes / butt clean for stand / sit starts. It also transports well in a folded pad. Multi-use design at its best!

1 comment:


Remat is great! I use mine between the surfboards when I strap them on my car's roof! Take it down and then change on the side of the road withouot any issue. When finished surfing, I change out of the wetsuit and use the mat as a cargo-load carryer...folds into a wetsuit taco! Clean process and very manageable. Wonderful product, great story, brillant design.

FISHERMEN: Bring it on the jetties fish standing on it - It even floats!! Put your hooks/flies in it...holds them nicely...

Remat rules!